Low Cost Vaccinations
Low cost vaccinations, Heart Worm Tests and Heart Worm Pills are available for those owners who cannot afford to pay full price at veterinary hospitals. Prices at our clinics are going to be one-half or less than regular hospital prices.
Arlington clinics are held twice a week at the Dog Wash: Sundays 4-6pm and Tuesdays from 6-8 pm. Call the Society 817-468-0444 for a current clinic schedule.
In Texas owners can legally administer all vaccinations except Rabies. We show pet owners how to administer vaccinations (shots are given by the owner while we assist).
Low Cost Spay/Neuter Programs
Available and range in price from $30.00 to $80.00 for all dogs and cats. Cats and small breed dogs should be sterilized at 6-8 months of age. Large breed dogs should not be sterilized until 10-12 months of age.
Call the Society 817-468-0444 for a referral to a low cost program.
Many Minor Medical Problems Can be handled at home by the pet owner. The society holds classes to teach pet owners how to deal with common eye, skin, ear, teeth and other minor things that don’t requires a trip to the veterinary hospital.
Call the Society 817-468-0444 for further information on handling these problems.
Pet Health Insurance
Like health insurance for people is probably a good way to go if you have limited funds for pet emergencies. Veterinarians will normally not take an emergency case on without a $500.00 – $1,000.00 immediate down payment. Having Pet Health Insurance will make sure your pet will be taken care of in an emergency.
Low Cost Teeth Cleaning
Available for $100. Call the Arlington Human Society for more information.