The Arlington Humane Society is primarily an educational organization. We do not try to compete with tax funded municipal animal control agencies operated by the various cities within our service area.
Although we don’t have a lot of dogs looking for new homes, we usually have a few. All of our dogs in the adoption program are in training and are not put up for adoption until we feel they are ready. We don’t put up pictures of our pets because we feel there are many more important factors involved, other than looks, when people are considering adoption.
If you are serious about adopting and willing to take on a commitment for the life of the pet, give us a call. We will work with you to make sure you find the right pet.Adoption fees vary based on how long we have had the pet and how much expense we have in terms of training and veterinary care. Our first priority is to try to help owners keep their pets. Towards this end we offer low cost veterinary services, FREE TRAINING, low cost spay/neuter referrals and many other things aimed at “Retention vs. Surrender.”
If it is impossible for the owner to keep the pet then we evaluate the pet based on it’s adopt ability. As we are a non-killing society, we do not take pets that are not able to be adopted. All the dogs in our shelter are healthy, fully obedience trained, spayed/neutered (if they are over 6 months old), and fully vaccinated. New owners are required to attend obedience classes after adopting.Potential adopters must demonstrate that they are going to be responsible pet owners and fully understand the moral, legal and financial responsibility of owning a pet.